Easy-Care Lawn Tip: Check Your Fertilizer!

For established lawns, avoid fertilizers with quick-release qualities, or those with high levels of nitrogen.  These cause grass to spring up rather quickly, and they create a lawn that needs frequent mowing. New lawns may need more nitrogen to jump-start their baby...

Easy Tip for Low-Maintenance Lawns

After mowing, you might be tempted to bag all the grass-clippings and haul them away.  Resist! Leaving the clippings will provide a layer of natural mulch for your lawn, keeping it nourished and saving you time at the end of your lawn care routine. Simple, right?...

2 Watering Tips for an Easy-Care Lawn

Set your sprinklers out early in the morning, and especially when the soil is dry. Mold and fungus have a tendency to grow when the conditions are continually wet, so watering before the sun is at full strength will give the excess water time to evaporate during the...

Tip for Creating an Easy-Care Landscape

Knowledge is power, in this case.  Research your area and climate.  What works for Susie in Montana is probably not going to suit your needs in south Georgia. Choose shrubs, flowers, and grass that will work well with your soil, sun requirements, and water...

Plan Ahead for A Low-Maintenance Lawn

The number one tip for achieving a low-maintenance lawn is to plan ahead.  Houses have blueprints, baby cribs have (albeit confusing!) instructions, and aircraft have flight plans. It may be time-consuming at first, but creating a rough image and knowing your...

Spring Transitions: Testing for pH Levels

It’s definitely springtime! If you added a soil pH stabilizer to your property last year, now is a good time to test those levels and see what happened. This will help you determine whether you need to add more stabilizer, or whether you have the green light for...