Fall Weed and Pest Control

You may be one of the many homeowners for which some form of pest control is necessary in the fall. Weeds and other plant “pests”, however, are very difficult to control if left by themselves, and should be treated with preventative measures, by the application of a...

De-thatch to Help Your Lawn

We know it’s a bit early to be talking about wintertime, but it will be here before we know it! In winter, your lawn will hibernate for an extended period of time, slowing down it’s metabolic systems and conserving energy for the cold weather ahead. Leaves, pine...

Lawncare 101: Check the Deck

If you are new to mowing your own lawn, or maybe a loved-one’s property, you may be surprised to discover that not every grass type is meant to be cut the same way. Because of the fundamental structure of turf grass, certain kinds need to be cut higher or lower...

Turfcare 101: Know the Weather

Coastal Georgia is a tricky place to live sometimes.  Well, at least when it comes to the weather, and our well-laid plans have a tendency to get disrupted by a stray thunderstorm from time to time! Those rainy days (planned or unplanned!)  can mean soft soil, and any...

What’s Your Grass Type?

For some people, mowing the grass is like falling off a log.  They know the right height to cut the grass, the right time to cut it, and the right method.  They also know how to keep it green and thick, like a picture in a homeowner’s magazine. But what about the rest...

Make A Little Time for Your Lawn

Schedule time each week to care for your lawn.  This may sound ridiculous, but it’s a great way to keep up with the small things as you go, rather than spend large chunks of time later dealing with massive projects that require time and money that you want to invest...