by Ninja Lawns | Jun 19, 2015 | Autumn, Bedding Plants, Foundation Plants, Gardening, Hedges, Landscaping, Springtime, Summer, Winter
Gardenias are certainly not a stranger to most of you, being well-loved for their characteristic pungent white blooms, as well as glossy green foliage that stays beautiful all year long. Gardenias are shade-loving plants, but they are also just as productive when...
by Ninja Lawns | Feb 27, 2015 | Bedding Plants, Foundation Plants, Gardening, Landscaping, Winter
Winter heath (Erica carnea) is one of our favorites for, you guessed it…winter!! Heathers and heaths belong to the same family of plants (Ericaceae), but their major distinction is that heathers tend to be more hardy in warmer seasons, while some heaths, like...
by Ninja Lawns | Feb 16, 2015 | Activities, Family, General Ideas, Indoors, Outdoors, Winter
Sporting events have an uncanny way of either dividing a crowd or uniting it. Try to use the opportunities in the winter to engage in sporting events as a way to fellowship with other families, even those who you might be rooting against! Hey, a little friendly...
by Ninja Lawns | Feb 5, 2015 | Activities, General Ideas, Indoors, Winter
If you are discouraged by the lack of time spent in your garden or flower beds, bring the outdoors inside! Use cut flowers to experiment with your arranging skills, and create bouquets and simple arrangements to brighten up the cloudy winter days! Click here for a...
by Ninja Lawns | Jan 23, 2015 | Autumn, Bedding Plants, Foundation Plants, Landscaping, Winter
Virginia Sweetspire, or itea virginica, is a spectacular little shrub that delivers massive color and style — however, it is one of the South’s best-kept secrets! Sweetspire comes in 2 main cultivars: “Henry’s Garnet” and “Little...
by Ninja Lawns | Jan 22, 2015 | General Ideas, Winter
Moisture is key in the winter months here in the South, and all over the country. And surprisingly enough, moist soil actually retains more heat than dry soil does. Go figure! When living in a warmer climate, it’s important to maintain your plant’s moisture levels to...