Transplanting Tips

My husband and I have been disappointed with my hydrangea plants in years past.  Very high temps mixed with a very sunny location made for about 6 blooms spread over 5 bushes…not cool! So we are considering transplanting them to a more suitable, shady place, and...

Oh, Snapdragons!

You may be among the many people out that think that annuals only apply to spring and summer gardens. They don’t! Annuals, like snapdragons, are easily found in the fall months and can add great beauty and interest to your garden beds, ’round the house...

Fall Weed and Pest Control

You may be one of the many homeowners for which some form of pest control is necessary in the fall. Weeds and other plant “pests”, however, are very difficult to control if left by themselves, and should be treated with preventative measures, by the application of a...
Fall is Coming!

Fall is Coming!

Fall is a lovely time of year, and many of us have very special memories of what it was like when WE were growing up around this time of the seasons changing… …the smell in the air, trees exchanging their green coats for red, orange, and golden ones, the...