Valuing What You Value

Any lawncare company that you choose ought to have a very clear dedication to a wholesome, family-oriented values system.   Cussing and profanity, obscene gestures or inappropriate conduct is not acceptable from a maintenance crew. The company should be above-board...

Chinese Wisteria

Don’t be fooled by these pretty purple flowers that you see climbing all over the treetops these days. Chinese Wisteria may be a lovely mantle to gaze at in the springtime, but lookout!  These vines are designed to tangle themselves around trees and choke them until...

Choose a Flexible Crew!

As we’ve said before, choosing the right landscape crew is not the easiest thing in the world — BUT! There are certain things to look for that will make it easier to settle on the right team. The landscape organization that is right for you will have not...

Watch Out for Kudzu!

If you’ve spent ten minutes or ten years in south Georgia, you probably know what Kudzu is, or rather, you’ve seen it grace our roadways and woods. Although Kudzu may seem sort of pretty as it scales the side of trees and boulders, it is most definitely not to be...

Trust is Big.

Whenever you introduce a new element to your life, especially your home, it ought to measure up to the ethical standards that you have set.  After all, choices do reflect our values.   Therefore, carefully gauging the integrity of the company is essential to choosing...