Same Plant, Different Colors

Gardening gives you the ability to (pretty much) use your imagination any way you want to, with any combos and any plants that strike your fancy, all to create a look that you love.  But how do you decide what scheme to use? And what plants play well together and look...

Winter Sports!

Sporting events have an uncanny way of either dividing a crowd or uniting it.  Try to use the opportunities in the winter to engage in sporting events as a way to fellowship with other families, even those who you might be rooting against! Hey, a little friendly...

Create Your Own Birch Tree Decor!

While we love to admire their milky white trunks, mature Birch trees are oftentimes too large to bring indoors and must remain outside in their natural habitats. However, you can achieve the same effect by gathering tall, smooth limbs of similar height from trees on...

Brave the Outdoors!

The cold, winter months drive many people indoors, and for the majority of the country, “snow and ice” is the theme music that does not cease until about April, or so. However, life in the South has a distinct advantage over these frozen regions, in that...