Go Camping In Your Own Backyard

Camping in your backyard is an ideal alternative to “going somewhere” to have fun, and it can be done at a moment’s notice!  Pitch a tent, grab a bundle (or two!) of blankets and pillows, and get creative. While a bonfire is sometimes too hot to try in the summer, it...

Enjoy Your Family This Fall!

It’s probably safe to say that the blistering heat of summer is in our rear-view mirrors now, and if you’re not an “outdoor-sy” person in the summertime, now may be the perfect time to get outside! We’d like to encourage you to get your...
Fall is Coming!

Fall is Coming!

Fall is a lovely time of year, and many of us have very special memories of what it was like when WE were growing up around this time of the seasons changing… …the smell in the air, trees exchanging their green coats for red, orange, and golden ones, the...

Back To School!

Wow, it’s hard to believe that school is in the air!  Maybe your kids are already hard at work, handing in homework assignments and making new friends, or maybe they are fervently grasping onto the last few days of summer before their mornings get early (er) 😉...

Savor Your Children

Having become a mother recently myself, I now can appreciate all the work and time and love that my mom invested in me. And there must have been times that she was exhausted and utterly spent as she cared for me and my sisters, but I don’t really remember that...

Winter Sports!

Sporting events have an uncanny way of either dividing a crowd or uniting it.  Try to use the opportunities in the winter to engage in sporting events as a way to fellowship with other families, even those who you might be rooting against! Hey, a little friendly...