Clean Up Last Year’s Annuals

“Wait! It’s not even officially spring, yet!”  The calendar may say that you have a few more weeks of slippers and hot chocolate, but the earth is preparing for new growth as we speak! Get a jump start on the explosion of colors and textures that are just around the...

Go Camping In Your Own Backyard

Camping in your backyard is an ideal alternative to “going somewhere” to have fun, and it can be done at a moment’s notice!  Pitch a tent, grab a bundle (or two!) of blankets and pillows, and get creative. While a bonfire is sometimes too hot to try in the summer, it...

Plants with a Purpose – Aloe

Commonly found in many homes and in stores worldwide is Aloe Vera, a succulent plant that produces a gel-like core at the heart of it’s leaves.  This gel is a natural remedy for cuts, burns, and abrasions, and has properties that reduce pain, swelling, inflammation,...

Enjoy Your Family This Fall!

It’s probably safe to say that the blistering heat of summer is in our rear-view mirrors now, and if you’re not an “outdoor-sy” person in the summertime, now may be the perfect time to get outside! We’d like to encourage you to get your...