03-02-15 trusting your crewWhenever you introduce a new element to your life, especially your home, it ought to measure up to the ethical standards that you have set.  After all, choices do reflect our values.  

Therefore, carefully gauging the integrity of the company is essential to choosing the right lawncare company for you.  

Do you believe that you will be able to trust this company’s employees while you are absent from home?  

Will they do their work efficiently and respectfully, only billing you for the necessary work and not overcharging you with hidden costs?   

If the company you are considering is just out to make a buck, or to “cut some grass”, then drive or purpose is absent in their work, and there is no recognition of the impact that they have on the lives of the people they touch.  

If at all possible, choose a team with a commitment to positively impacting others and to making a difference in their workplace.