02-03-15 sweet alyssumSweet Alyssum lives up to it’s name as a fragrant, low-growing ground cover that is certainly a crowd-pleaser!

Alyssum has been proven to be a very low-maintenance carpet plant, so it’s a great idea for those of you out there who prefer to “set it and forget it”!

These cool-season plants are early springtime bloomers and  will continue on through the summer, fall and winter (in frost-free areas), although the summer heat is likely to slow down bloom production.

The great thing about Sweet Alyssum is that it is self sowing, so much so that you may never notice the dying old parts giving way to the new seedlings.

This honey-scented spring annual is lovely along pathways and edging, and is even more fragrant when brought up to a higher level.

To savor the full effects of sweet alyssum, plant in containers or hanging baskets to allow more access to it’s rich, sweet blooms.