4-23-15 eenglish ivyEnglish Ivy was brought to this country mainly for ornamental purposes many years ago. Today, this once-decorative species has developed a rather nasty habit of spreading quickly, and with deadly consequences.

Ivy grows by sending runners out from the seedlings, which then crawl along the ground, choking out a forest’s undergrowth for example, and then climbing up the first tree, shrub, or vertical surface it comes to, in hopes of finding sunlight.  Sunlight is the catalyst for flowering and reproducing, so as the stalks reach the treetops, they often choke out the trees that are supporting them.

If you notice this invasive species on your property, try to stifle it as quickly as you can to make sure it doesn’t spread. If the job is too large for one person to handle, call your local landscape professionals to help get rid of the problem.