dog poop 11-26-14Pets are lovable, adorable, and special parts of our families, and we do our best to take care of them and make them feel right at home, including our outdoor spaces.

When sharing your yard and property with one (or many!) of these furry friends, it’s very important to remember to pick up the messes they make, after doing their…um, well…business.

Pet droppings can greatly affect the health of your lawn, creating ugly, brown and yellow “dead spots” in the carpet of your grass.  If left for a long period of time, they also can dull or damage your lawn equipment as you mow or trim. And plus, taking a misstep is just nasty business.

While we know that there are more important things in life than “keeping up with the Jones'” and having an immaculate lawn, picking up after your pets is a small step that makes a big impact on the landscapes around you.